Gamma Index


pymedphys.gamma(axes_reference, dose_reference, axes_evaluation, dose_evaluation, dose_percent_threshold, distance_mm_threshold, lower_percent_dose_cutoff=20, interp_fraction=10, max_gamma=inf, local_gamma=False, global_normalisation=None, skip_once_passed=False, random_subset=None, ram_available=1610612736, quiet=False)

Compare two dose grids with the gamma index.

It computes 1, 2, or 3 dimensional gamma with arbitrary gird sizes while interpolating on the fly. This function makes use of some of the ideas presented within <>.

  • axes_reference (tuple) – The reference coordinates.
  • dose_reference (np.array) – The reference dose grid. Each point in the reference grid becomes the centre of a Gamma ellipsoid. For each point of the reference, nearby evaluation points are searched at increasing distances.
  • axes_evaluation (tuple) – The evaluation coordinates.
  • dose_evaluation (np.array) – The evaluation dose grid. Evaluation here is defined as the grid which is interpolated and searched over at increasing distances away from each reference point.
  • dose_percent_threshold (float) – The percent dose threshold
  • distance_mm_threshold (float) – The gamma distance threshold. Units must match of the coordinates given.
  • lower_percent_dose_cutoff (float, optional) – The percent lower dose cutoff below which gamma will not be calculated. This is only applied to the reference grid.
  • interp_fraction (float, optional) – The fraction which gamma distance threshold is divided into for interpolation. Defaults to 10 as recommended within <>. If a 3 mm distance threshold is chosen this default value would mean that the evaluation grid is interpolated at a step size of 0.3 mm.
  • max_gamma (float, optional) – The maximum gamma searched for. This can be used to speed up calculation, once a search distance is reached that would give gamma values larger than this parameter, the search stops. Defaults to np.inf
  • local_gamma – Designates local gamma should be used instead of global. Defaults to False.
  • global_normalisation (float, optional) – The dose normalisation value that the percent inputs calculate from. Defaults to the maximum value of dose_reference.
  • random_subset (int, optional) – Used to only calculate a random subset of the reference grid. The number chosen is how many random points to calculate.
  • ram_available (int, optional) – The number of bytes of RAM available for use by this function. Defaults to 0.8 times your total RAM as determined by psutil.
  • quiet (bool, optional) – Used to quiet informational printing during function usage. Defaults to False.

gamma – The array of gamma values the same shape as that given by the reference coordinates and dose.

Return type:
