Source code for pymedphys.labs.paulking.profile

# Copyright (C) 2019 Paul King, Simon Biggs

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+").

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more
# details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

# ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU
# Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5,
# 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0")
# where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to
# mean the AGPL-3.0+.

# You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this
# program. If not, see <>.

""" For importing, analyzing, and comparing dose or intensity profiles
    from different sources."""
# The following needs to be removed before leaving labs
# pylint: skip-file

import copy
import os
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PIL

# from .._level1.coreobjects import _PyMedPhysBase

NumpyFunction = Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]

# pylint: disable = C0103, C0121, W0102

[docs]class Profile: """ One-dimensional distribution of intensity vs position. Attributes ---------- x : np.array position, +/- in cm y : np.array intensity in unspecified units meta : dict, optional metadata Examples -------- ``profiler = Profile().from_profiler("C:\\profiler.prs")`` ``film = Profile().from_narrow_png("C:\\image.png")`` ``profiler.cross_calibrate(film).plot(marker='o')`` Notes ----- Requires Python PIL. """
[docs] def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]), meta={}): """ create profile Parameters ---------- x : np.array, optional y : np.array, optional meta : dict, optional Notes ----- Normally created empty, then filled using a method, which returns a new Profile. """ self.x = np.array(x) self.y = np.array(y) self.meta = meta if len(self.x) < 2: self.interp = None else: self.interp = interpolate.interp1d( self.x, self.y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0 )
[docs] def __len__(self): """ # data points """ return len(self.x)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): # SAME DATA POINTS """ same data points """ if ( np.array_equal(self.x, other.x) and np.array_equal(self.y, other.y) and self.meta == other.meta ): return True else: return False
[docs] def __copy__(self): """ deep copy """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Examples -------- ``Profile object: 83 pts | x (-16.4 cm -> 16.4 cm) | y (0.22 -> 45.54)`` """ try: fmt_str = "Profile object: " fmt_str += "{} pts | x ({} cm -> {} cm) | y ({} -> {})" return fmt_str.format( len(self.x), min(self.x), max(self.x), min(self.y), max(self.y) ) except ValueError: return "" # EMPTY PROFILE
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ shift right """ new_x = self.x + other return Profile(x=new_x, y=self.y, meta=self.meta)
__radd__ = __add__ __iadd__ = __add__
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """ shift left """ self.x -= other return Profile(x=self.x, y=self.y, meta=self.meta)
__rsub__ = __sub__ __isub__ = __sub__
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """ scale y """ self.y *= other return self
__rmul__ = __mul__ __imul__ = __mul__
[docs] def from_lists(self, x, y, meta={}): """ import x and y lists Parameters ---------- x : list List of float x values y : list List of float y values meta : dict, optional Returns ------- Profile Examples -------- ``profile = Profile().fron_lists(x_list,data_list)`` """ self.x = np.array(x) self.y = np.array(y) self.__init__(x=x, y=y, meta=meta) return Profile(x=x, y=y, meta=meta)
[docs] def from_tuples(self, list_of_tuples, meta={}): """ import list of (x,y) tuples Parameters ---------- list_of_tuples : [(float x, float y), ...] meta : dict, optional Returns ------- Profile Examples -------- ``profile = Profile().fron_lists(list_of_tuples)`` """ x = list(list(zip(*list_of_tuples))[0]) y = list(list(zip(*list_of_tuples))[1]) self.__init__(x=x, y=y, meta=meta) return Profile(x=x, y=y, meta=meta)
[docs] def from_pulse(self, centre, width, domain, increment, meta={}): """ create pulse of unit height Parameters ---------- centre : float width : float domain : tuple (x_left, x_right) increment : float meta : dict, optional Returns ------- Profile """ x_vals = np.arange(domain[0], domain[1] + increment, increment) y = [] for x in x_vals: if abs(x) > (centre + width / 2.0): y.append(0.0) elif abs(x) < (centre + width / 2.0): y.append(1.0) else: y.append(0.5) return Profile().from_lists(x_vals, y, meta=meta)
[docs] def from_snc_profiler(self, file_name, axis): """ import profile form SNC Profiler file Parameters ---------- file_name : string file name with path, .prs axis : string 'tvs' or 'rad' Returns ------- Profile Raises ------ TypeError if axis invalid """ with open(file_name) as profiler_file: munge = "\n".join(profiler_file.readlines()) munge = munge.replace("\t", "").replace(": ", ":") munge = munge.replace(" Time:", "\nTime:") # BREAK 2-ITEM ROWS munge = munge.replace(" Revision:", "\nRevision:") munge = munge.replace("Energy:", "\nEnergy:") munge = munge.replace("Dose:", "\nDose:") munge = munge.replace("Collimator Angle:", "\nCollimator Angle:") munge = munge.split("TYPE")[0].split("\n") # DISCARD NON-METADATA munge = [i.split(":", 1) for i in munge if i and ":" in i] munge = [i for i in munge if i[1]] # DISCARD EMPTY ITEMS meta = dict(munge) with open(file_name) as profiler_file: for row in profiler_file.readlines(): if row[:11] == "Calibration" and "File" not in row: calibs = np.array(row.split())[1:].astype(float) elif row[:5] == "Data:": counts = np.array(row.split()[5:145]).astype(float) elif row[:15] == "Dose Per Count:": dose_per_count = float(row.split()[-1]) dose = counts * dose_per_count * calibs x_vals = [-11.2 + 0.4 * i for i in range(57)] x_prof = list(zip(x_vals, dose[:57])) y_vals = [-16.4 + 0.4 * i for i in range(83)] y_prof = list(zip(y_vals, dose[57:])) if axis == "tvs": return Profile().from_tuples(x_prof, meta=meta) elif axis == "rad": return Profile().from_tuples(y_prof, meta=meta) else: raise TypeError("axis must be 'tvs' or 'rad'")
[docs] def from_narrow_png(self, file_name, step_size=0.1): """ import from png file Source file is a full color PNG, sufficiently narrow that density is uniform along its short dimension. The image density along its long dimension is reflective of a dose distribution. Parameters ---------- file_name : str step-size : float, optional Returns ------- Profile Raises ------ ValueError if aspect ratio <= 5, i.e. not narrow AssertionError if step_size <= 12.7 over dpi, i.e. small """ image_file = assert image_file.mode == "RGB" dpi_horiz, dpi_vert =["dpi"] image_array = mpimg.imread(file_name) # DIMENSIONS TO AVG ACROSS DIFFERENT FOR HORIZ VS VERT IMG if image_array.shape[0] > 5 * image_array.shape[1]: # VERT image_vector = np.average(image_array, axis=(1, 2)) pixel_size_in_cm = 2.54 / dpi_vert elif image_array.shape[1] > 5 * image_array.shape[0]: # HORIZ image_vector = np.average(image_array, axis=(0, 2)) pixel_size_in_cm = 2.54 / dpi_horiz else: raise ValueError("The PNG file is not a narrow strip.") assert step_size > 5 * pixel_size_in_cm, "step size too small" if image_vector.shape[0] % 2 == 0: image_vector = image_vector[:-1] # SO ZERO DISTANCE IS MID-PIXEL length_in_cm = image_vector.shape[0] * pixel_size_in_cm full_resolution_distances = np.arange( -length_in_cm / 2, length_in_cm / 2, pixel_size_in_cm ) # TO MOVE FROM FILM RESOLUTION TO DESIRED PROFILE RESOLUTION num_pixels_to_avg_over = int(step_size / pixel_size_in_cm) sample_indices = np.arange( num_pixels_to_avg_over / 2, len(full_resolution_distances), num_pixels_to_avg_over, ).astype(int) downsampled_distances = list(full_resolution_distances[sample_indices]) downsampled_density = [] for idx in sample_indices: # AVERAGE OVER THE SAMPLING WINDOW avg_density = np.average( image_vector[ int(idx - num_pixels_to_avg_over / 2) : int( idx + num_pixels_to_avg_over / 2 ) ] ) downsampled_density.append(avg_density) zipped_profile = list(zip(downsampled_distances, downsampled_density)) return Profile().from_tuples(zipped_profile)
[docs] def get_y(self, x): """ y-value at distance x Return a y value based on interpolation of source data for a supplied distance. Parameters ---------- x : float Returns ------- float """ try: return self.interp(x) except ValueError: return np.nan
[docs] def get_x(self, y): """ tuple of x-values at intensity y Return distance values based on interpolation of source data for a supplied y value. Parameters ---------- y : float Returns ------- tuple : (x1, x2, ...) """ dose_step = (max(self.y) - min(self.y)) / 100 x_ = self.resample_y(dose_step).x y_ = self.resample_y(dose_step).y dists = [] for i in range(1, len(x_)): val = None if (y_[i] - y) * (y_[i - 1] - y) < 0: val = x_[i] - ((y_[i] - y) / (y_[i] - y_[i - 1])) * (x_[i] - x_[i - 1]) elif np.isclose(y_[i], y): val = x_[i] if val and (val not in dists): dists.append(val) return tuple(dists)
[docs] def get_increment(self): """ minimum step-size increment Returns ------- increment : float """ steps = np.diff(self.x) if np.isclose(steps.min(), steps.mean()): return steps.mean() else: return steps.min()
[docs] def plot(self, marker="o-"): """ profile plot Parameters ---------- marker : string, optional Returns ------- None """ plt.plot(self.x, self.y, marker) return
[docs] def slice_segment(self, start=-np.inf, stop=np.inf): """ slice between given end-points Resulting profile is comprised of those points in the source profile whose distance values are not-less-than start and not-greater-than stop. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional stop : float, optional Returns ------- Profile """ try: start = max(start, min(self.x)) # default & limit to curve ends stop = min(stop, max(self.x)) new_x = self.x[np.logical_and(self.x >= start, self.x <= stop)] new_y = self.interp(new_x) except ValueError: new_x = [] new_y = [] return Profile(new_x, new_y)
[docs] def resample_x(self, step): """ resampled x-values at a given increment Resulting profile has stepsize of the indicated step based on linear interpolation over the points of the source profile. Parameters ---------- step : float sampling increment Returns ------- Profile """ new_x = np.arange(self.x[0], self.x[-1], step) new_y = self.interp(new_x) return Profile(new_x, new_y, self.meta)
[docs] def resample_y(self, step): """ resampled y-values at a given increment Resulting profile has nonuniform step-size, but each step represents and approximately equal step in dose. Parameters ---------- step : float sampling increment Returns ------- Profile """ temp_x = np.arange(min(self.x), max(self.x), 0.01 * self.get_increment()) temp_y = self.interp(temp_x) resamp_x = [temp_x[0]] resamp_y = [temp_y[0]] last_y = temp_y[0] for i, _ in enumerate(temp_x): if np.abs(temp_y[i] - last_y) >= step: resamp_x.append(temp_x[i]) resamp_y.append(temp_y[i]) last_y = temp_y[i] if temp_x[-1] not in resamp_x: resamp_x.append(temp_x[-1]) resamp_y.append(temp_y[-1]) return Profile().from_lists(resamp_x, resamp_y, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def make_normal_y(self, x=0.0, y=1.0): """ normalised to dose at distance Source profile values multiplied by scaling factor to yield the specified dose at the specified distance. If distance is not specified, the central axis value is used. If dose is not specified, then normalization is to unity. With neither specified, resulting curve is the conventional off-center-ratio. Parameters ---------- x : float, optional y : float, optional Returns ------- Profile """ norm_factor = y / self.get_y(x) new_x = self.x new_y = norm_factor * self.y return Profile(new_x, new_y, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def get_edges(self): """ x-values of profile edges (left, right) Notes ----- Points of greatest positive and greatest negative gradient. Returns ------- tuple """ dydx = list(np.gradient(self.y, self.x)) lt_edge = self.x[dydx.index(max(dydx))] rt_edge = self.x[dydx.index(min(dydx))] return (lt_edge, rt_edge)
[docs] def make_normal_x(self): """ normalised to distance at edges Source profile distances multiplied by scaling factor to yield unit distance at beam edges. [1]_ [2]_ Returns ------- Profile References ---------- .. [1] Milan & Bentley, BJR Feb-74, The Storage and manipulationof radiation dose data in a small digital computer .. [2] Heintz, King, & Childs, May-95, User Manual, Prowess 3000 CT Treatment Planning """ lt_edge, rt_edge = self.get_edges() cax = 0.5 * (lt_edge + rt_edge) new_x = [] for _, dist in enumerate(self.x): if dist < cax: new_x.append(-dist / lt_edge) elif dist > cax: new_x.append(dist / rt_edge) else: new_x.append(0.0) return Profile(new_x, self.y, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def slice_umbra(self): """ umbra central 80% Source dose profile sliced to include only the central region between beam edges. Returns ------- Profile """ lt, rt = self.get_edges() idx = [i for i, d in enumerate(self.x) if d >= 0.8 * lt and d <= 0.8 * rt] new_x = self.x[idx[0] : idx[-1] + 1] new_y = self.y[idx[0] : idx[-1] + 1] return Profile(x=new_x, y=new_y, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def slice_penumbra(self): """ penumbra (20 -> 80%, 80 -> 20%) Source dose profile sliced to include only the penumbral edges, where the dose transitions from 20% - 80% of the umbra dose, as precent at the umbra edge, to support wedged profiles. Returns ------- tuple (left penumbra Profile, right penumbra Profile) """ not_umbra = { "lt": self.slice_segment(stop=self.slice_umbra().x[0]), "rt": self.slice_segment(start=self.slice_umbra().x[-1]), } lt_80pct = not_umbra["lt"].get_x(0.8 * not_umbra["lt"].y[-1])[-1] lt_20pct = not_umbra["lt"].get_x(0.2 * not_umbra["lt"].y[-1])[-1] lt_penum = self.slice_segment(start=lt_20pct, stop=lt_80pct) rt_80pct = not_umbra["rt"].get_x(0.8 * not_umbra["rt"].y[0])[-1] rt_20pct = not_umbra["rt"].get_x(0.2 * not_umbra["rt"].y[0])[-1] rt_penum = self.slice_segment(start=rt_80pct, stop=rt_20pct) return (lt_penum, rt_penum)
[docs] def slice_shoulders(self): """ shoulders (penumbra -> umbra, umbra -> penumbra) Source dose profile sliced to include only the profile shoulders, outside the central 80% of of the profile but inside the region bounded by the 20-80% transition. Returns ------- tuple (left shoulder Profile, right shoulder Profile) """ lt_start = self.slice_penumbra()[0].x[0] lt_stop = self.slice_umbra().x[0] rt_start = self.slice_umbra().x[-1] rt_stop = self.slice_penumbra()[-1].x[-1] lt_should = self.slice_segment(start=lt_start, stop=lt_stop) rt_should = self.slice_segment(start=rt_start, stop=rt_stop) return (lt_should, rt_should)
[docs] def slice_tails(self): """ tails (-> penumbra, penumbra ->) Source dose profile sliced to include only the profile tail, outside the beam penumbra. Returns ------- tuple (left tail Profile, right tail Profile) """ lt_start = self.x[0] lt_stop = self.slice_penumbra()[0].x[0] rt_start = self.slice_penumbra()[-1].x[-1] rt_stop = self.x[-1] lt_tail = self.slice_segment(start=lt_start, stop=lt_stop) rt_tail = self.slice_segment(start=rt_start, stop=rt_stop) return (lt_tail, rt_tail)
[docs] def get_flatness(self): """ dose range relative to mean Calculated as the dose range normalized to mean dose. Returns ------- float """ dose = self.slice_umbra().y return (max(dose) - min(dose)) / np.average(dose)
[docs] def get_symmetry(self): """ max point diff relative to mean Calculated as the maximum difference between corresponding points on opposite sides of the profile center, relative to mean dose. Returns ------- float """ dose = self.slice_umbra().y return max(np.abs(np.subtract(dose, dose[::-1]) / np.average(dose)))
[docs] def make_symmetric(self): """ avg of corresponding points Created by averaging over corresponding +/- distances, except at the endpoints. Returns ------- Profile """ reflected = Profile(x=-self.x[::-1], y=self.y[::-1]) step = self.get_increment() new_x = np.arange(min(self.x), max(self.x), step) new_y = [self.y[0]] for n in new_x[1:-1]: # AVOID EXTRAPOLATION new_y.append(0.5 * self.interp(n) + 0.5 * reflected.interp(n)) new_y.append(reflected.y[0]) return Profile(x=new_x, y=new_y, meta=self.meta)
[docs] def make_centered(self): """ shift to align edges Created by shifting the profile based on edge locations. Returns ------- Profile """ return self - np.average(self.get_edges())
[docs] def make_flipped(self): """ flip L -> R Created by reversing the sequence of y values. Returns ------- Profile """ return Profile(x=self.x, y=self.y[::-1], meta=self.meta)
[docs] def align_to(self, other): """ shift self to align to other Calculated using shift that produces greatest peak correlation between the curves. Flips the curve left-to-right, if this creates a better fit. Parameters ---------- other : Profile profile to be be shifted to Returns ------- Profile """ dist_step = min(self.get_increment(), other.get_increment()) dist_vals_fixed = np.arange( -3 * abs(min(list(self.x) + list(other.x))), 3 * abs(max(list(self.x) + list(other.x))), dist_step, ) dose_vals_fixed = other.interp(dist_vals_fixed) fixed = Profile(x=dist_vals_fixed, y=dose_vals_fixed) possible_offsets = np.arange( max(min(self.x), min(other.x)), min(max(other.x), max(self.x)) + dist_step, dist_step, ) best_fit_qual, best_offset, flipped = 0, -np.inf, False for offset in possible_offsets: fit_qual_norm = max( np.correlate(dose_vals_fixed, (self + offset).interp(fixed.x)) ) fit_qual_flip = max( np.correlate( dose_vals_fixed, (self.make_flipped() + offset).interp(fixed.x) ) ) if fit_qual_norm > best_fit_qual: best_fit_qual = fit_qual_norm best_offset = offset flipped = False if fit_qual_flip > best_fit_qual: best_fit_qual = fit_qual_flip best_offset = offset flipped = True if flipped: return self.make_flipped() + best_offset else: return self + best_offset
[docs] def cross_calibrate(self, reference, measured): """ density mapping, reference -> measured Calculated by overlaying intensity curves and observing values at corresponding points. Note that the result is an unsmoothed, collection of points. Parameters ---------- reference : string measured : string file names with path Returns ------- Profile """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(reference) assert ext == ".prs" reference = Profile().from_snc_profiler(reference, "rad") _, ext = os.path.splitext(measured) assert ext == ".png" measured = Profile().from_narrow_png(measured) measured = measured.align_to(reference) dist_vals = np.arange( max(min(measured.x), min(reference.x)), min(max(measured.x), max(reference.x)), max(reference.get_increment(), measured.get_increment()), ) calib_curve = [(measured.get_y(i), reference.get_y(i)) for i in dist_vals] return Profile().from_tuples(calib_curve)